ER diagram for e-commerce college project

ER diagram for e-commerce college project

Creating an Entity-Relationship (ER diagram for e-commerce college project) diagram for an e-commerce college project involves outlining the essential entities, their attributes, and the relationships between them. Here’s a simplified example:


1. Customer

   – Customer_ID (Primary Key)

   – Name

   – Email

   – Address

   – Phone Number

2. Product

   – Product_ID (Primary Key)

   – Name

   – Description

   – Price

   – Quantity

3. Order

   – Order_ID (Primary Key)

   – Customer_ID (Foreign Key)

   – Order_Date

   – Total_Amount

4. Order_Details

   – OrderDetail_ID (Primary Key)

   – Order_ID (Foreign Key)

   – Product_ID (Foreign Key)

   – Quantity

   – Subtotal


– Customer and Order: One-to-Many relationship (One customer can place multiple orders)

– Product and Order_Details: One-to-Many relationship (One product can appear in multiple order details)

– Order and Order_Details: One-to-Many relationship (One order can have multiple order details)

ER Diagram:

 ________          ___________        ____________          ______________

| Customer | —-<| Order     |——<| Order_Details |—–>| Product    |

|__________|      |___________|       |______________|      |____________|

 Customer_ID         Order_ID              OrderDetail_ID              Product_ID

    Name            Customer_ID               Order_ID                       Name

    Email            Order_Date               Product_ID                     Description

   Address          Total_Amount               Quantity                    Price

Phone Number                                      Subtotal                         Quantity


This basic ER diagram for e-commerce college project illustrates how customers place orders containing multiple products. Each order has details such as the order date and total amount, while each order detail specifies the quantity of a particular product ordered and its subtotal. The relationships between these entities demonstrate how they are interconnected within the e-commerce system.

Er Diagram for E commerce website | Creately

For a college project, you might expand this diagram by adding more entities (like payments, categories, reviews, etc.) and refining attributes based on the specific requirements and complexities of your project.

The structured diagram illustrates how customers place orders containing various products. Each order retains details such as the order date and total amount. Similarly, each order detail specifies the quantity of a specific product ordered and its subtotal. These entities and their relationships showcase the interconnectedness within an e-commerce system. For a comprehensive college project, this basic ER diagram can be expanded by introducing more entities (such as payments, categories, reviews, etc.) and refining attributes to cater to the specific requirements and complexities of the project. This expansion would provide a more detailed and comprehensive view of the e-commerce system.

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Synopsis for e-commerce project

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