Durham college project management course

durham college project management

Durham College Project Management course graduate certificate program is a comprehensive course that provides students with the knowledge, skills, tools, and techniques to manage projects successfully. The program is designed to equip students with the necessary skills to manage projects in a wide range of industries.

Program Details

The program is two semesters long and includes an optional third-semester work term. Students start with the basics and through a rigorous program supported by experienced teachers, graduate with real, applicable project experience under their belts. The program covers topics such as project resource planning and schedulingproject communicationsproject management tools and applicationproject leadershipconsultancy practices in project management, and project cost management.

Admission Requirements

The program is open to students with a diploma or degree (business, information technology, or technology studies recommended) and proof of English language proficiency. Alternatively, a minimum of three years of related industry experience detailed in a professional resumé with a letter of intent may be considered.

Tuition Fees​

The tuition fee for the first year of the program is $2,926 CAD for domestic students and $14,734 CAD for international students.


Durham College Project Management course certificate program is an excellent choice for students who want to learn how to manage projects successfully. The program is designed to equip students with the necessary skills to manage projects in a wide range of industries. The program covers topics such as project resource planning and schedulingproject communicationsproject management tools and applicationproject leadershipconsultancy practices in project management, and project cost management. The program is open to students with a diploma or degree (business, information technology, or technology studies recommended) and proof of English language proficiency. Alternatively, a minimum of three years of related industry experience detailed in a professional resume with a letter of intent may be considered. The tuition fee for the first year of the program is $2,926 CAD for domestic students and $14,734 CAD for international students.

Bibliography for college project

In the academic sphere, a compelling bibliography for college project is the cornerstone of credibility and authenticity. Crafting an impeccable bibliography not only validates your work but also showcases your thorough research and respect for scholarly contributions.

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